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Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Why Getting Acquired Can Be Your Ultimate Growth Strategy

Author: Terry Dry

Ever thought about selling your business as the best way to grow? Many entrepreneurs typically focus on entering new markets, launching innovative products, or improving services. While these are great strategies, there’s another approach that often gets overlooked: getting acquired. This isn’t just an exit strategy—it’s a powerful way to propel your business forward at an incredible pace. By standing on the shoulders of giants—leveraging the strengths and resources of a larger strategic partner—you can reach heights that would be hard to achieve on your own. 

I’ve walked this path myself. In 1998, I co-founded Fanscape, one of the first social-media marketing agencies, with just a $10,000 investment. We grew Fanscape into a trailblazer in its field, but eventually, we hit a crossroads. Despite our success, the economy took a downturn, and our loyal clients couldn’t increase their budgets. Plus, bigger, more established, agencies started adding social media services to their offerings. Growth stalled, and we faced a choice: keep struggling against tough economic times and larger, new competitors, or make a move to continue to grow our business, build on our vision, and improve the lives of our employees while providing even more value to our clients.

Enter Omnicom, one of the largest holding companies of agencies in the world. We had partnered with them for years before deciding to sell. When they acquired us, it wasn’t just about the financial reward. It was about the incredible opportunities that came with joining a larger company as a true strategic partner. We gained access to resources, technologies, and markets that had previously been out of reach, allowing us to grow, scale, and outpace competitors rapidly, all while still retaining a leadership role and financial upside.

Being acquired wasn’t the end of our journey – it was a new beginning that allowed us to realize our full potential. Selling your business can be a catalyst for explosive growth and innovation, unlocking doors to opportunities you never knew existed. That’s why I want to share with you insights as to why selling your business should be considered a key growth strategy.

The Strategic Benefits of Being Acquired

Why should you, as an entrepreneur, consider getting acquired as a serious growth strategy? Here are a few reasons that may resonate:

  • Unlock Unmatched Resources:  Imagine your business backed by extensive financial, operational, and technological resources. This isn’t just about extra cash—though that’s great—but about having the right tools and support to scale, enhance products, and reach more customers. When Fanscape joined Omnicom, we gained technologies, efficiencies, and connections that we didn’t have before. 
  • Accelerated Growth: What might take years to achieve on your own can happen much faster through an acquisition. In 2018, I co-founded RSVD, a SaaS business. After merging with Whyline, a larger competitor, and eventually selling to CLEAR, we went from working with small local businesses to reaching a massive global audience of travelers. (Learn more about the sale of RSVD here).
  • Risk Mitigation: Joining a larger entity can shield your company from market volatility and economic downturns. With Omnicom’s backing, we could take calculated risks without constantly worrying about making payroll. 
  • Enhanced Credibility: Being linked with a well-known brand can boost your company’s reputation, making it easier to attract customers, partners, and investors. For us, the “Omnicom” name opened doors for Fanscape that were previously inaccessible.
  • Strategic Support and Synergies: Big companies come with experienced management teams and strategic frameworks that help refine and execute growth strategies. They also bring complementary strengths and capabilities, leading to operational efficiencies and a stronger competitive edge.
  • Flexible Exit Strategy for Founders: For founders and early investors, selling your company can be a lucrative exit strategy, offering a return on investment that organic growth might not achieve. Whether you stay involved or move on to new ventures, selling provides the flexibility to do what’s best for you.
  • Innovation and R&D: Bigger companies often have dedicated R&D departments that drive innovation and product development.  For us at RSVD, merging with Whyline and then selling to CLEAR elevated our tech and user experience to levels that would have taken us years to achieve alone. 
  • New Market Expansion: Getting acquired by a larger entity can open doors to new markets, both in the US and internationally, as well as within new industries and demographics. With both Fanscape and RSVD, we were able to break into new areas and geographies, all thanks to the extensive reach of our parent companies.
  • Employee Benefits and Retention: Better employee benefits and career growth opportunities can significantly improve retention and attract top talent. Being able to immediately offer competitive healthcare plans, 401Ks with matching, and improved policies made recruiting much easier for my businesses, saving us time and money while boosting growth.

Navigating the Emotional Hurdles of Selling Your Business

Sure, selling your company comes with a ton of growth benefits, but it’s also an emotional rollercoaster. As entrepreneurs, we’ve put our blood, sweat, and tears into our businesses, so the idea of letting go can be really tough. But here’s the thing: selling doesn’t have to be viewed as giving up—it can be about opening up new doors for growth and success.

When we sold Fanscape, the social media agency I co-founded with my business partner Larry, it was a bittersweet moment for us. We had built it from the ground up, with a dedicated team and loyal clients relying on us. The idea of handing over any level of control was unsettling. But we realized that selling wasn’t the end—it was the start of an exciting new chapter with a strategic partnership. It provided us with resources and opportunities beyond what we could reach as an independent company.

Here are some tips on how to navigate the emotional and strategic challenges of selling your business, learned from my personal experiences:

  • See the Bigger Picture: Selling can open doors to resources, technologies, and markets you might never access on your own. This broader perspective helped me see that the sale was a strategic move for greater growth.
  • Preserve Your Vision: Choosing the right partner can ensure that your vision and mission continue on a larger scale. With an acquisition from the right strategic partner, your business’s core values and goals can thrive and expand.
  • Embrace Change: I always like to say that “Change is inevitable. Struggle is optional.” Viewing the acquisition as a new beginning rather than an end helped me see the potential for my business to flourish with enhanced support and resources.
  • Focus on Personal Growth: Selling your business can also be a chance for personal development. It allowed me to explore new ventures and roles within the new structure, contributing to my own growth while ensuring the company’s continued success.

Facing these emotional and strategic challenges alone inspired me to start Future Proof Advisors. I wanted to help other business owners achieve growth and overcome barriers with guidance from someone who’s been in their shoes. At Future Proof Advisors, we use our experience and expertise to guide businesses through the complexities of running a business—including selling and scaling—so you can spot opportunities and get ahead faster.

Find the Right Partner

Once you’ve decided that selling your business is the optimal move to foster growth, the next crucial step is finding the right partner. This decision requires careful consideration of several factors to ensure the partnership is beneficial for both parties. What to look for:

  • Strategic Fit: Seek buyers that complement your business and offer synergies to expand your reach and capabilities. 
  • Shared Vision: Ensure the potential partner aligns with your long-term vision and values. 
  • Cultural Compatibility: Assess the cultural fit between your company and the buyer. A strong cultural match facilitates smoother integration and better collaboration.
  • Aligned Goals and Objectives: Collaborate with your potential partner to align both companies’ goals and objectives. 
  • Transition Plan Development: Develop a detailed transition plan outlining the integration process and future growth strategies to help manage expectations and minimize disruptions.

(Looking for ways to improve your enterprise value in preparation for a sale? Check out our blog here for tips.)

Maintaining Influence and Legacy Post-Acquisition

Selling your business doesn’t mean you have to completely give up control or abandon your vision. Many entrepreneurs successfully negotiate terms that allow them to stay involved and ensure their company’s legacy continues. On the other hand, if you prefer to step back, you can still make sure your business thrives without your daily involvement. Outline the role you want post-acquisition, whether it’s a board membership, senior management position, advisory role, or none of the above. Specificity and transparency help finalize the deal and clarify expectations.

When Fanscape was acquired by Omnicom, they wanted the founders to stay involved and actively lead the business. An earn-out deal encouraged me to stay on as CEO, preserving Fanscape’s strategic direction, mission, and culture while leveraging Omnicom’s resources for growth. In contrast, when RSVD was acquired, it made more sense for me to step back quickly while ensuring key team members and clients remained. This allowed me to pursue new ventures, knowing RSVD’s legacy would continue. The choice is a personal one.

(Thinking of selling your business? Ask yourself these questions first.)

Redefining Your Involvement Post-Acquisition

After an acquisition, you can focus on what you do best and enjoy the most. This is your opportunity to redefine your role based on your strengths and interests. Whether you choose to stay deeply involved in daily operations or take on a more strategic advisory role, aligning your new position with your passion is key.

Roles to Consider:
  • Board Member: Offer strategic oversight and influence major decisions without daily operational duties.
  • Senior Executive: Drive business growth and maintain company culture with direct involvement.
  • Advisor: Provide strategic guidance and long-term planning without a hands-on role.
  • Cultural Ambassador: Preserve the company’s core values and morale during and after the transition.

(Is it time to step down as CEO? Read our blog to find out if it’s time to replace yourself). 

Embrace the Future: The Power of Being Acquired as a Growth Strategy

Being acquired by a strategic partner is a powerful growth strategy for scaling your business and achieving its full potential. It’s not about giving up but leveraging a larger entity’s strengths to reach your goals faster and more effectively. Tapping into the resources, capital, and expertise of an established partner can amplify your vision and extend your legacy beyond what you could achieve alone.

Selling your business opens doors to opportunities that drive significant change and help you achieve personal and professional goals more efficiently. Remember, selling your business isn’t the end—it’s a strategic move to unlock new possibilities and drive growth. Embracing this approach can help your business reach new heights.

At Future Proof Advisors, we believe in supporting the whole entrepreneur by blending personal and professional goals to create a balanced and fulfilling life. We help you identify your true aspirations and how your business can support them. If you’re looking for unconventional ways to accelerate growth or considering a sale, our experienced advisors can guide you through the process, ensuring you continue to contribute meaningfully while achieving your objectives. With our help, you can shape a future that supports the life you want to live, rather than letting your business dictate your path.

Contact us at to learn more.

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