Do Not Sell My Personal Information (CA)

CCPA Overview (for California Residents Only)

On January 1, 2020, the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA) took effect and provided new requirements and rights relating to personal information of California consumers. Future Proof is committed to protecting the privacy of the users of our service and to helping our partners and users understand and exercise their rights under the CCPA. Future Proof supports the mission of the CCPA for end-consumers to:

  1. Know what personal data is being collected about them.
  2. Know whether their personal data is sold or disclosed and to whom.
  3. Say no to the sale of personal data.
  4. Access their personal data.
  5. Request a business to delete any personal information about a consumer collected from that consumer.
  6. Not be discriminated against for exercising their privacy rights.

CCPA Compliance at Future Proof

Future Proof Group LLC and its affiliate departments including but not limited to: Future Proof Advisors and Future Proof Ventures, hereafter “Future Proof”, seeks to comply with all applicable laws and requirements of the CCPA. Future Proof does not sell personal information of Future Proof registered user’s information, including to third parties and this CCPA policy requires that Future Proof clients and partners are not authorized to sell Future Proof user’s personal data to third parties per the terms of our license agreement. We do not retain, use, or disclose any personal information of Future Proof end consumer users for any other purpose other than to perform the services specified in these policies to fulfill contracts with our clients and partners and as authorized by our registered end consumer users of our clients per our Privacy and Terms of Service policies published at our website 

We process personal information either directly or “on behalf of a business” for a “business purpose” (the services provided to Future Proof clients and their registered users) and are bound by the written contracts we have in place with our partners, as well as by our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy regarding consumer data and privacy.  In providing our services, we may use the personal information of Future Proof users to maintain or service accounts, provide client service, process or fulfill orders and transactions, verify user information, process payments, communicate directly with users, and provide advertising, marketing, or analytic services on behalf of our partners and to improve our software and related services.

We will respond directly to any request by a consumer user regarding their personal information to access or delete their personal data by emailing us at or calling us at (855) 862-5483. Furthermore, we expect that our clients and partners will do the same as part of their own CCPA compliance. 

Future Proof users may continue to access our services as usual and in accordance with our policies which may be revised from time to time and published to our public website at